This app is all you need to engineer your own motor circuit quickly and with confidence.This app is tested with all iOS platforms including iPhone, iTouch and iPad.
The following is the list of interactive tools provided with this app:1 - Full Load Ampere (FLA) rating2 - Short circuit protection devices 3 - Branch circuit and conductor sizing for motor loads4 - Feeder circuit and conductor sizing for several motor loads5 - Overload protection devices6 - Current rating of disconnecting devices 7 - Control circuitWith this app in your hands, designing a motor circuit according to the code is easier than ever. Each tool also comes with informational notes describing the design process.Each button when pressed launches a series of tools for sizing of respected component of the circuit or controller shown.All components of a motor circuit and controller can be designed with this app. EAGLE overview (video: 1:37 min.) EAGLE is electronic design automation (EDA) software that lets printed circuit board (PCB) designers seamlessly connect schematic diagrams, component placement, PCB routing, and comprehensive library content. If you take the time to learn all the functions it has, it is the best to make the best designs.

It is considered the best software for circuit design and is the best for all electronic engineers looking to make their architectural designs.

It can also be used as a design guideline for educational purposes.All components of motor circuits are pictorially identified in the first diagram as they pertain to the installation of motors and each component is linked to series of interactive design tools via 3-D launch buttons. AutoCAD Electrical 2020 is priced at 279 per month and is included within the AutoCAD software. This app is a collection of interactive design tools for all components of electric motor circuits and controllers for both AC and DC motors as per electrical code.This app can also be used to verify conformance of existing motor circuits and controllers to the electrical code.